Classic Sharpeners CollectionKoleksi serutan klasik ini unik, karena merupakan replika dari barang-barang atau peralatan yang biasa kita temui sehari-hari, seperti model proyektor, mobil kuno, pesawat terbang, kamera kuno, mesin jahit kuno, kapal kuno, radio kaset, lampu kapal kuno dan lain-lain.
Dengan keunikannya tersebut koleksi ini banyak diminati. Memang sebetulnya sayang koleksi ini untuk dijual, tetapi karena banyak jenis item yang sejenis maka nggak ada salahnya saya jual. Harga per set $15 (tidak termasuk ongkos kirim).
This classic collection of unique shavings, because it is a replica of the goods or equipment that we used to meet day-to-day, such as projector models, vintage cars, airplanes, old cameras, old sewing machines, old boats, radio cassette, the light of ancient ships and others.
With the uniqueness of this collection is a favorite destination. It's really love this collection for sale, but because many similar types of items will not hurt me to sell. Price per set $ 15 (not including postage).
Old sewing machine model Price $15 (not including postage)
Models of ancient ships Price $15 (not including postage)
Radio Cassette Model Price $15 (not including postage)
Old Car model
Price $15 (not including postage)
Model Mesin Jackpot Price $15 (not including postage)
Virgo Zodiak modelPrice $15 (not including postage)
SOLD OUT SOLD OUTPurchased by: Miss Yanni Tandiagus, Jakarta
Taurus Zodiak model
Price $15 (not including postage)
Clock Pendulum modelSOLD OUT SOLD OUT
SOLD OUT SOLD OUTPurchased by: Miss Yanni Tandiagus, Jakarta